Cumbria Wildlife Trust

Gosling Sike Farm – explore, learn, grow.

A small farm delivering big benefits for people; improving health and well-being through food growing and access to green spaces, sharing skills to encourage more people to take action for nature and to bring people from different backgrounds together.

Nature is of huge importance to in all our everyday lives. Experiencing the outdoors and nature improves people’s relationships, mental wellbeing and physical health, sense of self-belief, relationships, confidence and reduces violence and aggression. Access to training (both formal and informal), quality space and being part of a community increases aspirations and prospects.

The natural environment can provide a safe place for vulnerable people to interact and to gain confidence. Whether this is the elderly, people with special needs, their carers or children at risk of exclusion.

This funding will help to create new areas of habitat for wildlife including a wildflower garden, sensory garden, pond and bog plants, reed planted area, fruiting hedgerows, orchard and a woodland. People will learn about how to make changes at home and benefit the environment in their own communities.